Dr. Bollmann's Secrets to Unlocking Ultimate Health, Happiness, and a Younger You

Charles Bollmann, MD, FACOG, FAACS

Dr. Bollmann | BARE Skin Founder | đŸŒ± Holistic Skincare & Wellness Expert | đŸ’« Empowering natural beauty from the inside out |

The greatest beauty aid is virtue!


The root of all suffering is our attachment to the physical world. This attachment leads to preferences and aversions, driven by our perception of what is beneficial or harmful. This distinction is ultimately an illusion. From a higher perspective, there is no duality, no good or bad. To see separation where there is only unity is ignorance. The lack of understanding that everything is interconnected is the cause of all suffering. If we can learn this truth and live in accordance with it, we can be free from suffering.


What does worry look like? It's simply fear generated by our thoughts. And because our thoughts are naturally fickle, the worries they create can't last forever.

Imagine each worry is a single dollar bill. Gather a thousand of them together, and it becomes a heavy, cumbersome burden. Now, picture trading that massive stack for a single, lighter bill. This single bill is far easier to manage and keep safe.

Similarly, consider letting go of the heavy weight of your worries. By releasing this burden and simplifying things, you'll find it far easier to handle and protect your peace of mind.




To eliminate desire, one must control the mind.

The mind is woven from our deepest desires. To master it, we must first tame the beast of craving. This doesn't require a grand battle or gentle coaxing. Desires won't vanish out of fear or favor. They are external, part of the observable world. By recognizing "I am the observer, not the observed," the disciplined mind frees itself from attachment. This is how desire is conquered.

Observe your thoughts as an outsider; don't become entangled. This is the essence of the practice. The mind's power is like a potent electrical current. It must be observed from afar, never touched. Contact the current, and you're destroyed. Similarly, attachment empowers the mind to ruin you. The more distance you keep, the better. With skill, you can harness this power for your own benefit.



Why are you so stressed? Let go and trust that everything will be taken care of. Concerns will be handled when you surrender and have complete faith. This is the key to peace. When you let go, worry fades away. Fear shows a lack of trust and too much reliance on yourself.

Surrendering means releasing worries, difficulties, and problems. Hand everything over and say, "Please take care of this." This shows gratitude and trust that everything will work out for the best. "For the best" means not having rigid expectations or getting upset if things turn out differently than planned.

Worrying shows a lack of belief that you are loved and cared for, that there is a guiding force, and that nothing is beyond control. Don't dwell on what will happen or how things will turn out. Giving into this weakness shows a lack of trust. Do you want things to be taken care of or not? Simply stop worrying. Guidance will come, but only with complete surrender.

And when an unexpected path appears, you will be supported. Your mind, thoughts, worries, and desire to control everything are causing your anxiety. Remember the times when practical and emotional needs were met after asking for help? Afterward, you could relax and sleep peacefully. But true benefit comes when prayers express complete trust.

When in pain, you may pray for help, but only in the way you desire. This shows a lack of complete trust and surrender. It's like patients telling the doctor what medicine they need instead of asking for their expertise. Don't do this. Even in tough times, say, "I am grateful for this challenge. Please handle this in the best way possible." Trust that what's best is known. If you say this sincerely, things will work out. This means even the most difficult situations, even those that seem impossible, will be resolved.

Do you feel like your struggles are increasing instead of decreasing? Don't worry. Close your eyes and trustingly say, "Please take care of this." Then it will be done, and when necessary, even a miracle may occur. You are always cared for. Complete help is possible only with complete trust.


Once there was an emperor who asked the sages who visited his palace - “Who is the best among men? Which moment of time is most blessed? Which act is most beneficial?” He could not get a satisfactory answer for long. At last, his realm was invaded and he had to flee into the jungle. There he fell into the clutches of a primitive tribe who selected him as a victim to their goddess. While in this precarious condition, he was seen by an ascetic, who rescued him and took him to his quiet hermitage where he and his students tended him lovingly back to health and happiness. Then he discovered the answers to his questions. The best among men is he who has compassion; the most blessed time is the 'present', this very second, and the best act is to relieve pain and grief. You decide to start doing good deeds ‘next Thursday,’ as if death has assured you in writing that he will not call on you till that date. Do not postpone what you can do today, now, this very moment.


Money can buy temporary relief but true inner peace and happiness are essential for well-being. Doctors can help, but they can't guarantee a long life. Everyone has the capacity for kindness, tranquility, and resilience within them. But, we often let our egos and external pressures overshadow these qualities. Through mindfulness, self-reflection, and surrounding ourselves with positive influences, we can rediscover our true nature and find fulfillment beyond material possessions.


To be able to understand why bad things happen one must accept two premises.

First, you must believe in reincarnation.

Second, you must understand karma.

If you understand, these, you realize that God does not allow terrible things to happen. Everything that happens to you happens for a reason. Whatever you put out, good or bad, you get back.

Reincarnation happens millions of times, not just two or three. We have done it all and been it all - kings, queens, murderers - you name it, we have done it.

Therefore, when you think something ‘bad’ happens to you, it is really karma. You are being repaid for something you have done. However, it is not always something that has happened in this lifetime, but in a previous one.

Think of it as a karmic debt. No one ever gets away with anything. Whatever you do, good or bad, you must pay the price.

We all come into this present existence with a necklace of karmic debts around our neck. Everything that you think of happening as bad is really repayment of a karmic debt. Before we can move on to the reality that we actually are, we must eliminate the entire necklace of debts.

So when you think that something bad has happened to you, remember the necklace and realize this is repayment of a debt and a learning experience - God has nothing to do with it.



The proof of commitment to spirituality is in the inner peace a person experiences. This peace shields you from the highs and lows of life, including success, failure, fame, dishonor, gain, and loss.

True wisdom is like an express train; once you board, it takes you directly to your destination. Spiritual commitment is like a through-carriage on a train. Even if it gets transferred from one train to another, as long as you stay on board, you will reach your destination.

Lack of this commitment is like a regular train. If you take this train, you must get on and off at various stops, load and unload your baggage, and put in a lot of effort to reach your goal of peace of mind. Spiritual commitment alone can lead to wisdom, helping you see the essence of life and eliminating ego.


True happiness comes from inner peace and acceptance. It means letting go of the constant chase for external validation and material possessions. Don't get caught up in trying to control every outcome or avoid every hardship; embrace life's natural ebb and flow. Success shouldn't inflate your ego, and failure shouldn't crush your spirit. Stay humble in times of recognition and resilient in times of setbacks.

Find your center and remain calm. Welcome every experience, good or bad, as a chance for growth and learning. Let go of worry, fear, arrogance, and jealousy. Don't let anger, resentment, or envy consume you. See value in every role, every interaction, every opportunity.


As we embark on a journey of self-discovery, we must be mindful of our perspectives, aspirations, and desires. Our outlook shapes our emotions and attachments, influencing our happiness and fulfillment. As individuals capable of profound growth, we should strive to develop a perspective that transcends judgments and sees the interconnectedness of all things.

In this state of heightened awareness, we recognize the inherent value in everything and everyone, fostering compassion and empathy. As the wise have said, "When our vision is imbued with wisdom, the world reveals its true nature as a unified whole." This enlightened perspective is extraordinary and transformative.

Every person we encounter is a reflection, and by opening our eyes, we can glimpse the shared essence within. The same essence that resides within us resides within them. Let us not perceive others as separate entities, but rather as reflections of ourselves in countless mirrors, connected in the grand tapestry of existence.



Instead of wanting to do what you like,

           like what you have to do


Whoever comes seeking service from you is the one you must attend to at that time. It will be your duty to give that person some satisfaction through your service, and that will be the best work that you can do at the time. The present, when you can do something, that is the most sacred time. You do not see the future for your eyes cannot perceive it. The past has gone and there's nothing you can do about it. Thus the present time is best - that time in which you can fulfill your duty and be of service to the person who comes seeking your help.


The person who devotes his life and energy to spiritual values will automatically get worldly benefits. ================================================

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a game play it.

Life is love, share it.

Life is a dream realize it.


Start the day with LOVE

Fill the day with LOVE

End the day with LOVE

     This is the way to God


Surrender - For Peace Of Mind

Have you ever lost a night's sleep, tossing and turning over a problem that seemed too big to handle? We've all been there. Days bleed into nights, and our minds churn over every "what if" until we're exhausted but no closer to a solution. But what if there was a different path – a way to find peace even in the middle of the storm?

That's where the notion of surrender comes in. It's not about giving up control or losing hope. Instead, it's about finding freedom by trusting in a power greater than ourselves. Think of a tense passenger in a car, white-knuckling their seat as they try to "help" the driver. If they could just relax, knowing the driver is taking them where they need to go, the ride would feel a whole lot smoother.

Ancient teachings like the Bhagavad Gita tell us this wisdom isn't new. Worry, they say, is a sign of doubt – doubt in both ourselves and in this guiding force. Trying to anticipate and control every outcome is exhausting and, ultimately, unnecessary. We can surrender our anxiety and find a surprising peace.

But how? It starts with prayer, but not the kind where we give a laundry list of our demands to the universe. True prayer is saying, "I trust you with this. You know what's best, and I'm letting go." It's a conscious choice between fighting for control or finding rest.

Of course, in the toughest moments, surrender can be easier said than done. Yet, it's precisely in those difficult moments that surrendering our will can yield the most extraordinary results and bring a sense of lightness we never imagined possible.

Isn't it time we honestly asked ourselves - do we truly believe in a higher power, or do we just want to play the role ourselves?


Who Is The Poorest Man In The World?

     The Poorest Man Is The One With The Most Desires!

If you want anything, you suffer.

If you don't want anything, you don't suffer.

In my practice of OB/GYN, I routinely brought all patients back to my office after their examination. And my routine question was, “How is the world treating you”?

And for part of my counseling I always mentioned Buddha's second Noble truth; ‘If you want anything, you will suffer’. Then the third noble truth, ‘If you don't want anything, you don't suffer’.

I have always enjoyed teaching and sharing what I had learned. Almost directly after my first trip to India. I shared my experiences with Mike, one of my colleagues. He was someone who the world thought had everything. He was good looking, wealthy, had a beautiful wife, a fine home, and a large medical practice.

One day we were walking and I started talking about India. I mentioned, “When you want anything, you suffer.” His almost immediate comment was, “I want it all!”

Unfortunately for him, that day the universe was listening. Within the year he had lost his home, wife, and medical practice, having been arrested for using drugs. His whole life had changed and the saying, “If you want anything, you will suffer,” became firmly fixed in my mind.

I can hear him clearly saying this more than 30 years later.


Imagine being able to converse with someone attuned to the workings of the universe. To walk with them and converse with them whenever you wanted. What would that be like? What questions would you ask this being?

I was fortunate enough to meet an individual like this in this lifetime. He was in India, and his name was Sathya Sai Baba. During my seven visits to India to see him, I experienced many so-called miracles. Miracles is a strong word. As a physician, however, I saw things that I know are impossible in the current medical sphere. 

Richard Alpert, a Harvard professor who changed his name to Ram Das, was lucky enough to spend two years in the presence of such a man. His guru was named Neem Karoli Baba. In one of several books Ram Das wrote, he described asking thousands of questions of his guru during his two-year stay. He said that after all this time, he only received three answers of all his questions, no matter what he asked. He would say, "How do I achieve peace of mind, and the answer would be, "Love everyone.” “How do I raise my energy level? And the guru would reply, "Serve everyone.” When I inquired about losing my temper, he'd say, "Remember God.”

Richard Alpert finally realized the only thing he needed were these three answers, to ANY question. Love Everyone, Serve Everyone, and Remember God.

If you do this, everything else will be added.

As an obstetrician/gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon, I was fortunate enough to have the privilege of caring for many patients. I decided on OB/GYN because it enabled me to have a varied practice; I did obstetrics, surgery, medicine and consultations. While I truly enjoyed my medical practice, I delighted consulting with patients, offering advice as necessary. 

After examining my patients, it was my practice to bring everyone back into my consultation room to answer any questions they had. And I always asked, “How is life treating you?” This allowed them to discuss anything they wanted. Some had many questions and some none. But they always had the time if they wanted it.

Over the years I grew with my patients, but my first visit to India in 1977 culminated in my spiritual growth as a person. I felt I had achieved medical expertise in my field. Until that time all my studies were dedicated to the practice of medicine. After India, I began to share my experiences with metaphysics and spiritual discrimination with my patients. And this was my “good time” in medicine.

The previous quote refers to a comedian I saw once in Florida. He stopped his routine, was quiet for a short time, and then laughed, saying, “I just told myself a joke. You’re having a good time, but I should have a good time, too.” Bottom line: we need to have a “good time” in this precious life we have been given.

This page of my website is my effort to help you all have a good time.

You can access this page in by clicking on "Pearls" in the header, or "Pearls" in the footer. I plan to update it frequently with different "pearls" of wisdom that I have accumulated over my many years.