Avoid Sunburn Avoid Skin Cancer

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert

Studies show that sunburns increase the incidence of all skin cancers - basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and malignant melanoma. Malignant melanoma is more common if one gets sunburned in early life, whereas the former two can occur if the sun exposure is either early or in adulthood.

Thus, it is imperative to wear sunscreen, the single most basic intervention for skin cancer. Sunscreen not only provides protection against the damage that can lead to skin cancer, but it shields the p53 gene, a gene that works to prevent cancer.

Sunscreen protects against all three forms of skin cancer: BCC (basal cell carcinoma); SCC (squamous cell carcinoma); and malignant melanoma. In addition, sunscreen is effective at shielding the p53 gene, a gene that works to prevent cancer.

The daily use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen slows, and may even prevent, sags and wrinkles – the hallmarks of aging skin. Studies show that use of a daily sunscreen shows no exhibited detectable increases in aging.

Further, subjects who used sunscreen daily showed 24% less skin aging, as compared to those who used sunscreen periodically.

I personally use and recommend DNA Control Sun Block, which not only has a 40 spf but also protects and corrects DNA damage. Remember, sun blocks only last two hours at best, and must be reapplied.

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