Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert
As we age, exercise helps prevent the disability that occurs with the aging process.
Movement keeps the body mobile and limits pain. But what about the brain?
A 2005 Finnish study revealed that middle-age men and women who exercise at least twice a week and eat a healthy diet can reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) by 50% in old age.
Previous studies have shown that people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and who are overweight/obese could have a greater risk of AD than those with a more active, healthy lifestyle.
Worldwide, 37 million people live with dementia, with Alzheimer's Disease causing the majority of cases. ~2001 Statistic, World Health Organization
So exercise not only for your body, but also your brain. You will be smarter.
And don't forget, exercise keeps the skin healthier, smoother and glowing. If you need a little help, don't forget our Bare Skin Care products for your skin health.
In Summary: How It All Comes Together I take care of the body by exercising and eating well in moderation, but I do not obsess over it. I obtain peace of mind through meditation, reducing stress and accepting whatever happens. Finally, I think of God as often as possible throughout the day. Whenever you think of God that is meditation. BTW, remember to Laugh A Lot. That is very important for the soul. My motto: “Life Is An Adventure Of The Spirit - Enjoy It.”
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