Some of you might not have noticed that our motto - LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL - is stamped on many of our Bare Skin bottles. In this holiday season, and throughout the new year, let us all try to live this motto. Treat everyone with respect, just like you would like to be treated. Life is a game, play it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is love, share it. Life is a dream, realize it.
We do appreciate your business, and wish you all a Happy, Peaceful Holiday. While we can't fulfill all your holiday dreams, we CAN provide you with the best skin care to make you look beautiful for the holidays!
ALL PRODUCTS continue to be 15% OFF Using the Code - "BareSkin"
In Summary: How It All Comes Together I take care of the body by exercising and eating well in moderation, but I do not obsess over it. I obtain peace of mind through meditation, reducing stress and accepting whatever happens. Finally, I think of God as often as possible throughout the day. Whenever you think of God that is meditation. BTW, remember to Laugh A Lot. That is very important for the soul. My motto: “Life Is An Adventure Of The Spirit - Enjoy It.”
Could Your Blood Pressure Meds Be Sapping Your Energy? One Doctor’s Story. Why This 86-Year-Old Doctor Says Higher Blood Pressure Could Boost Your Energy