Should YOU Be Worried About Heart Attacks

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care / Anti-Aging Specialist

With the recent death of Luke Perry from a stroke at a fairly young age, many people are beginning to realize that health is not a given - even for the young.

Researchers have found that heart-attack rates are rising for adults under age 40, climbing 2% every year for the last 10 years. They postulate the reason is younger patients are more likely to use marijuana and cocaine compared to slightly older counterparts, even if they drank less alcohol.

Heart disease is America’s leading cause of death, with about 735,000 Americans suffering heart attacks every year.

It all comes back to prevention. Many people think that a heart attack is destined to happen, but the vast majority could be prevented with earlier detection of the disease and aggressive lifestyle changes and management of other risk factors.

Diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, exercise, reducing stress, avoiding tobacco and swearing off cocaine and marijuana will help.

All in all, staying healthy requires a lifestyle commitment.

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