Trump And Health - BARE SkinCare
January 19, 2018Watching President Trump's doctor discuss his medical history, I was amazed at the labaratory results being spouted.
Trump seems to have boundless energy, and the medical tests results of a 20 year old. I get tired just watching him.
But the main thing I took from the doctor's appraisal - when he stated that Trump doesn't drink alcohol or smoke. That is the crux of health. Don't drink or smoke. And if your do need to drink, keep it infrequent and small in amount.
In my practice, and in observing young people of today, too many drink wine daily, especially women. Don't forget - this is empty calories! For those watching your weight, daily alcohol is like getting on a scale daily and watching it go up, then wondering why.
Take some advice from our president - avoid the cigarettes, and eliminate or decrease alcohol. It is good for your health.
And don't forget Bare Skin Care products to look your best!