Bare Skin Care products contain a synergy of scientific with natural ingredients for all skin problems and all skin types, whether dry skin, oily skin, dark skin, sun damaged skin, wrinkled skin, and even healthy skin.
Karen McDougal, Bare Skin Care Model
Protective Pets
Children in families with cats or dogs have fewer pet allergies than new pet owners or those who had only exposed earlier in life. A 2005 study by researchers at the Central Hospital of Norrbotten (Sweden), which tracked 2,454 children for four years, found that, in all cases where allergies were not a result of genetics, exposure to animal allergens protected boys and girls from developing allergies. A previous study, conducted by researchers at the Institute for Social Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (Germany) found that children who were continually exposed to pets (in this study, cats) were 67% less likely than other kids to develop asthma and 45% less likely to develop hay fever.
In addition, a man with a dog has a 50% less chance of having a heart attack than a man without a dog.
"A faithful friend is the medicine of life." ~ Apocrypha