Bare Skin Care - Skin care is something we should all pay attention to, as are the skin care products we use. Anti-aging skin care and natural skin care have us looking younger than ever, and areas such as skin lightening enable us to remove spots and let our facial features shine. There's no excuse for dry or irritated skin any longer. Draw out your true beauty with Bare Skin Care Products.

Karen McDougal, Bare Skin Model

Is the Bed to Blame?

The bed is not merely a home furnishing, it is an integral part of your sleep environment:

  • If you share a bed, both of you may sleep best in a king-size bed, particularly if your bed partner is prone to tossing and turning or has restless leg syndrome.  Two adults in a double- or queen- size bed have as much horizontal space as a baby does in a crib!
  • A properly selected and maintained mattress provides positive resistance to the sleeper’s body weight. Goldilocks was right:
  • A mattress that is too firm will not provide even body support, tending instead to support only at the body’s heaviest parts (shoulders and hips).
  • A mattress that is too soft will not keep the spine in proper alignment with the rest of the body. As a result, your muscles will work throughout the night to straighten the spine, leading to aches and pains in the morning.
  • Rotate your mattress and turn it over every 2 to 3 months to reduce sags, imprints, bumps, and valleys.
  • The foundation part of the bed (box spring) extends the life of the mattress. It absorbs the major portion of the stress and weight placed on the sleep surface. 

Bare Skin Care contains a synergy of scientific with natural ingredients for all skin problems and all skin types, whether dry skin, oily skin, dark skin, sun damaged skin, wrinkled skin, and even healthy skin. 


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