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Skincare Advice & Articles by Dr Bollmann

Want To Lose Weight - Drink Water

By Charles Bollmann October 01, 2015 | benefits of water best way to lose weight how to lose weight lose weight easily skin care specialist water for weight loss | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert Having spent my years as a gynecologist counseling women, I know how important weight management is to them. So when I found the following article from "Weight And Obesity", I thought it worthwhile to reproduce. "Regular physical activity and health diet are key...

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Magnesium To Lose Weight

By Charles Bollmann May 21, 2015 | benefits of magnesium best skin care best way to lose weight how to be calm how to lose weight prevent diabetes reduce waist line skin care specialist | 0 comments

One week after taking Magnesium Well, maybe that is not true. I exaggerated a little. But you CAN get your skin to look like the blond above by using our Bare Skin Care products. However, the benefits of magnesium are well established. This latest study shows the benefits of magnesium,...

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Fruits And Vegetables Prevent Disease

By Charles Bollmann August 01, 2014 | anti aging tip benefits of fruits benefits of vegetables best way to lose weight fruits and vegetables prevent disease skin care specialist | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert Here's a new idea! Eat more fruits and vegetables. How many times have we heard this, then headed to McDonald's instead. Let's see, vegetables or French fries - tough choice. But there is a reason doctors and other experts say to eat fruits...

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Eat Less To Remember More

By Charles Bollmann June 06, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging expert anti-aging skin care products best way to lose weight calorie restriction lose weight memory aid memory aids | 0 comments

  Bare Skin Care Video Researchers from the University of Munster (Germany) studied 50 healthy, normal- to overweight elderly men and women (average age 60 years), dividing them into three groups: one that restricted daily caloric intake by up to 30%; the second that increased unsaturated fatty acids consumption by...

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Are YOU Having Trouble Losing Weight?

By Charles Bollmann May 15, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging anti-aging and alcohol anti-aging expert best way to lose weight how to lose weight losing weight Michael Pollan quora vitamins and anti-oxidants wine and anti-aging women's health women's health and diet wrinkled skin | 0 comments

 I have been asked to answer a question on on weight loss, and this is my answer: There are 3000 books on diet; that's because none of them work. If one worked, there would be one book on diet. Diet books might work temporarily, but if you do not...

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Eat Breakfast To Lose Weight

By Charles Bollmann October 16, 2012 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging anti-aging expert Anti-aging skin care best way to lose weight how to lose weight importance of breakfast losing weight | 0 comments

 Bare Skin Care - Skin care and skin care products have risen in popularity in recent years, and both women and men have taken an interest in anti-aging skin care. Natural skin care as well as acne reduction and scar reduction are other areas in which our products excel. Breakfast...

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