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Skincare Advice & Articles by Dr Bollmann

Best Way To Treat Cystic Acne

By Charles Bollmann May 16, 2015 | acne scars best acne treatment how to treat acne lasers in acne treatment quora skin care specialist treat cystic acne | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert This is an answer to a question I was asked to answer on Quora ( Cystic acne, as you realize, is difficult to treat - but not impossible. It would be best to go to a good cosmetic dermatologist to get advice. First...

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Unlock the Genetics of Longevity

By Charles Bollmann January 09, 2014 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging expert anti-aging specialist genetics and longevity how to live longer quora | 0 comments

Unlock the Genetics of Longevity Dr Bollmann, Anti-Aging and Skin Care Specialist Telomeres are the endcaps on chromosomes, and telomeric shortening is thought to govern the number of times a cell can divide. In white blood cells (leukocytes), telomere shortening is used as a marker of biological age.  King’s College...

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Early Signs of Breast Cancer

By Charles Bollmann August 26, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging expert breast cancer chickrx early signs of breast cancer lumps in breast mammograms quora | 0 comments

As a gynecologist, I feel yearly exams are important - preventive medicine is important, and if we can ward off any illness it is easier than treating it. Also it is more cost effective, in case you want to keep your insurance premiums down.But when it comes to breast cancer,...

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Do doctors look up reference material when diagnosing a patient?

By Charles Bollmann July 02, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream. doctors diagnosis doctors knowledge quora quora questions wrinkled skin wrinkles | 0 comments

I was asked to answer this question on Quora, an informational web site. Do doctors look up reference material when diagnosing a patient? Actually, I learned everything in medical school. But there are some who did not learn everything, believe it or not. Forgive my attempt at humor, but it...

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Are YOU Having Trouble Losing Weight?

By Charles Bollmann May 15, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging anti-aging and alcohol anti-aging expert best way to lose weight how to lose weight losing weight Michael Pollan quora vitamins and anti-oxidants wine and anti-aging women's health women's health and diet wrinkled skin | 0 comments

 I have been asked to answer a question on on weight loss, and this is my answer: There are 3000 books on diet; that's because none of them work. If one worked, there would be one book on diet. Diet books might work temporarily, but if you do not...

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How To Handle A Severe Illness

By Charles Bollmann April 25, 2013 | best mantras dealing with severe illness how to be happy how to get rid of suffering Quora | 0 comments

 I was asked recently to answer a question on Quora about serious illness, and how it affects the individual and family. So I wrote this: There is an old book called The Way Of The Pilgrim, author unknown, about a Russian peasant set about the time of the Russian revolution....

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What Is The Best Exercise For Women

By Charles Bollmann February 24, 2013 | Anti-aging skin care anti-aging skin care cream anti-aging tip anti-aging tips antioxidant benefits best exercise for women quora yoga yoga as exercise | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care continually tries to improve our products with the newest ingredients, but frequently we find we already have then in our products. For instance, many people are recommending the Acai berry as good for the skin. Presently the rage centers on the purple açaí berry that hangs from...

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