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Skincare Advice & Articles by Dr Bollmann

Secret To Aging Slowly

By Charles Bollmann November 23, 2014 | Alzheimer's disease anti-aging expert anti-aging tips benefits of estrogen caloric restriction and aging preventing dementia secret to aging skin care specialist | 0 comments

 Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert There are many theories on the aging process. While most experts feel inflammation is the main cause of disease, caloric restriction has been known to decrease aging for some time. The secret to ageing slowly? Ditch the carbs and cut back on calories- Calorie-reduced...

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Expect To Live Longer

By Charles Bollmann August 28, 2014 | Alzheimer's disease anti-aging tips benefits of exercise dangers of smoking how to live longer how to live to 100 longevity and health preventing cognitive decline skin care specialist | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert University of Southern Denmark researchers report that more than half of the babies born today in developed countries will live to be 100, and the extended lifespan will likely come with fewer disabilities and limitations. Writing that:  “If the pace of increase in...

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Improve Quality Of Life

By Charles Bollmann March 01, 2014 | Alzheimers disease anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging exercise and aging how to improve quality of life quality of life | 0 comments

Among older women, modest amounts of exercise can improve quality of life (QOL).  Researchers from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center (Louisiana, USA) completed a six-month study involving 430 sedentary postmenopausal women (BMI of 25.0-43.0, with elevated systolic blood pressure).  Each subject was assigned to participate in 1 of 3 exercise...

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Foods To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

By Charles Bollmann December 26, 2013 | Alzheimer's disease food and alzheimer's disease food and cognitive ability food and memory | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Anti-Aging and Skin Care Specialist What we eat can determine our future cognitive ability. Studies at Columbia University (New York, USA) researchers studied 2,136 healthy elderly New Yorkers, assessing their dietary habits and onset of cognitive decline during a four-year study period.   The researchers found that a diet...

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Exercise Increases Brain Power

By Charles Bollmann September 13, 2013 | aerobic exercise Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging skin care creams best cream for the face cognitive ability cognitive function exercise and the brain | 0 comments

Dr. Bollmann Latest research shows that decline of the brain is not inevitable. While the brain volume shrinks slightly, it continues to make new neurons and fine tune connections as long as we live. Anti-aging studies show we still can learn as we age. The best way to reduce brain...

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For Those Getting Older

By Charles Bollmann August 22, 2013 | Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging skin care products diet advice diet benefits preventing Alzheimers disease | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care Anti-Aging Serum - for those who want just one skin care product. This serum has everything you ever wanted in one product. It is the most advanced anti-aging serum available, and is ideal for every skin type! It is light and easily absorbed and offers protection from...

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Does Eating Less Improve Memory

By Charles Bollmann August 15, 2013 | Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream anti-aging skin care products anti-aging tips how to remove wrinkles how to stay young memory aid memory aids | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care products are guaranteed to improve your skin if used correctly. They work for all skin conditions and problems, in all skin types. If used in our programs for wrinkles, brown spots, acne, scars or hyperpigmentation, your skin is guaranteed to improve. Video on Bare Skin Care ___________________________________________________________________________________...

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Vitamins May Curb the Onset of Alzheimer's Disease

By Charles Bollmann July 09, 2013 | alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream. anti aging tips anti-aging skin care products prevent Alzheimer's vitamin B12 vitamin benefits vitamins and anti-oxidants | 0 comments

Dr. Bollmann Bare Skin Care Video   The medial temporal lobe is the area of the brain that atrophies to cause the cognitive decline characteristic of Alzheimer's Disease.  Gwenaelle Douaud, from the University of Oxford (United Kingdom), and colleagues administered a combination of vitamin B12 (500 µg), vitamin B6 20...

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Importance of Stress Reduction

By Charles Bollmann May 31, 2013 | acne prone skin acne reduction Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream. Exercise and aging how to prevent memory loss natural skin care organic skin care | 0 comments

  An easy-going personality may help to forestall cognitive decline as we age.  Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) studied 506 older Swedes and found that those men and women who were socially outgoing and not easily distressed by circumstances were 49% less likely to develop dementia over time, as...

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Exercise And Alzheimer’s Disease

By Charles Bollmann March 30, 2013 | acne prone skin acne reduction Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream Exercise and aging natural skin care organic skin care | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care offers anti–aging skin care products that provide you with effective, proactive treatment, with natural skin care ingredients like chamomile, calendula, rosemary and aloe vera, for what many feel are the best organic and natural products available! For chronic acne and other serious skin conditions, our natural skin...

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Social Ties May Slow Memory Decline

By Charles Bollmann January 31, 2013 | Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging anti-aging expert Anti-aging skin care dementia how to have a better memory slow memory decline social ties and memory women's health wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care - Anti aging skin care products, treatments, and facial skin care wrinkle reducing systems for both man and woman, brought to you by the leader in skin care, Bare Skin™. Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Social Ties May Slow Memory Decline Staying connected with family and friends...

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Brew Better Health With Coffee

By Charles Bollmann January 24, 2013 | Alzheimers disease anti aging tips anti-aging expert Anti-aging skin care anti-aging skin care cream anti-oxidants benefits of coffee coffee benefits health benefits of coffee reduce inflammation women's health | 0 comments

  Bare Skin™ Anti aging skin care products contain a mix of ingredients that will strengthen, nourish, and moisturize as a facial skin care treatment, while alleviating and reducing the signs of wrinkles. Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Brew Better Health Certain studies suggest that coffee mitigates disease by reducing...

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