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Skincare Advice & Articles by Dr Bollmann

New Product To Finish BARE SkinCare Routines

New Product To Finish BARE SkinCare Routines

By Charles Bollmann October 29, 2019 | anti aging skin care cream Bare Skin Care Routines best product to activate skin care routines best skin care line fix photoaging skin reduces signs of fine lines and wrinkles skin care specialist wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes | 0 comments

 Dr Bollmann Bare Skin Care has finally added a product to replace Final Touch, as many of you have requested. Final Touch was one of my favorite products, which I used every day. Now we have Neova DNA Concentrate Activator as the finishing product for all our Bare Skin Care...

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Is it possible for a retinol eye cream to make my under-eye wrinkles worse?

Is it possible for a retinol eye cream to make my under-eye wrinkles worse?

By Charles Bollmann May 28, 2019 | anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips effect of retinol retinol products wrinkled skin wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

  Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Owner/CEO Bare Skin Care First, the answer is yes, retinol can make wrinkles worse, especially when you first start using it. What is happening is a drying effect, and one can get epidermal sliding from separation from the dermis. But this is temporary, and...

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How Can I Reduce The Amount Of Wrinkles On My Skin?

By Charles Bollmann August 06, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging skin care creams preventing wrinkles wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

The biggest cause of wrinkles is, of course, the aging process. Then next is photodamage, or damage due to the sun's rays (UVA/UVB).So the best way to avoid wrinkles is to avoid the sun. This is not very practical, especially since some sun is good for you. But when you...

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Is YOUR Skin Dull

By Charles Bollmann June 27, 2013 | acne skin aid collagen production best skin care dull skin how to remove wrinkles preventing wrinkles wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around the eyes | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care: Is Your Skin Dull Dr. Bollmann on Bare Skin Up to the age of 14, the skin on the face exfoliates naturally every 14 days. This quick rate of renewal leaves the youngster with a healthy-looking glowing complexion. However, as we get older the rate of natural...

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Scientific Proof Of Benefits Of Meditation

By Charles Bollmann June 10, 2013 | anti-aging skin care cream anti-aging skin care creams benefits of meditation cure wrinkles how to reduce stress meditation benefits stress reduction wrinkles around the eyes | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care Video Meditation has been part of my life since I was a teenager. Now there is increasing SCIENTIFIC proof of its effectiveness. There have been countless anecdotal claims about the benefits of practicing meditation since the Eastern tradition has become more popular in the West. Now, there’s...

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Internet Improves Brain Function

By Charles Bollmann April 18, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips how to imrove brain internet and brain function internet and brain stimulation women's health wrinkled skin wrinkles around the eyes | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care is a professional skin care company which contains a synergy of scientific with natural ingredients for all skin problems and all skin types, whether dry skin, oily skin, dark skin, sun damaged skin, wrinkled skin, skin with age spots, and even healthy skin. Surf Smarts Researchers from...

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Does Alcohol Make You Live Longer?

By Charles Bollmann April 13, 2013 | alcohol and disease alcohol and health anti aging tips anti-aging and alcohol anti-aging expert Anti-aging skin care best organic skin care products risks of alcohol ways to live longer wine and anti-aging women's health wrinkles around the eyes | 0 comments

A Toast to Health A number of studies suggest that light alcohol consumption may help to promote extended good health:Researchers from the University of California/Los Angeles (UCLA; California, USA) analyzed data from 4.276 men and women, ages 50+, enrolled in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey’s Epidemiologic Follow-Up...

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Preventing Cancer With Diet

By Charles Bollmann February 28, 2013 | anti-aging skin care cream anti-aging tip anti-aging tips anti-oxidants in foods best foods to eat diet and cancer prevent cancer prevent cancer with diet wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

 Bare Skin Care - affordable cosmeceuticals for all skin types and problems - wrinkles, acne, oily skin, dry skin, scars, sun damaged skin, and melasma or brown spots. Bare Skin Video A healthy diet can help the body in its efforts to heal itself, and in some cases, particular foods...

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Calcium Combats Common Killers

By Charles Bollmann February 19, 2013 | benefits of calcium women's health wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

 Bare Skin Care - wrinkles and Retin-A.  The U.S. consumer union said none of the creams tested produced a dramatic improvement.:It advised that staying out of the sun or using skin products with a high sun protection factor was the best option.The consumer union said: 'We found that after 12...

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Social Ties May Slow Memory Decline

By Charles Bollmann January 31, 2013 | Alzheimer's disease anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging anti-aging expert Anti-aging skin care dementia how to have a better memory slow memory decline social ties and memory women's health wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care - Anti aging skin care products, treatments, and facial skin care wrinkle reducing systems for both man and woman, brought to you by the leader in skin care, Bare Skin™. Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Social Ties May Slow Memory Decline Staying connected with family and friends...

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What do Nutritionists Think of Sally Fallon?

By Charles Bollmann January 29, 2013 | anti aging skin care cream anti aging tips anti-aging expert best diet best diet for weight loss diet and nutrition healthies diet Michael Pollan Sally Fallon's diet vegetarian diet women's health women's health and diet wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around eyes wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

Bare Skin Care's product line of Bare Skin’s™ cleanser, toner, anti-aging serum, perfect tone, enhancer, soothe, rejuvenation serum, and final touch will leave your skin feeling healthy and looking years younger! I frequently am asked to answer questions on "", and this blog comes from one such question - "What...

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Lose Weight With Fiber

By Charles Bollmann January 26, 2013 | anti-aging tips benefits of fiber fiber and weight loss weight loss women's health women's health and diet wrinkled skin wrinkles wrinkles around the eyes wrinkles around the mouth | 0 comments

  Bare Skin Care products promote natural skin care and can be used for wrinkles, acne reduction, scar reduction, skin lightening and more. Let your facial features excel by providing the antidote to dry skin and the gateway to true facial beauty. Karen McDougal, Bare Skin Care Model Soluble fiber...

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