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Myth Of Cholesterol And Heart Disease

By Charles Bollmann October 14, 2014 0 comments

 Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, AntiAging Expert

Doctors have been prescribing statin drugs to control cholesterol with increasing frequency. Do we really need these?

Many Americans take statins. But half of men, ages to 65 to 74, and 39% of women, ages 75 and older—that’s pretty stunning.

Combine the 45+ age groups and both genders, and it comes out that one in four Americans, ages 45 and older, are taking a statin. 

Of course, heart disease death rates have fallen for a whole host of reasons, some of them overlapping. Fewer Americans smoke. Treatment of heart disease has improved. Emergency treatment of heart attacks is swifter. The American diet is better for the heart than it used to be, at least in some respects. But lower cholesterol levels also belong on the list of positive influences and along with them, statins.

It’s hard to beat a statin if the goal is lowering your LDL. If you take the pills as prescribed, LDL levels typically decrease by about 30%.

But is cholesterol really the culprit in heart disease. Not nearly as much as some would like you to believe. 

Here are just a few of the many facts about cholesterol:

  • The hypothetical link between high levels of total cholesterol and heart disease has NEVER been proven.

  • Cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart attacks. Only about 50% of heart attack victims have high cholesterol levels, and 50% of people who have high cholesterol do not have heart disease.

  • Recent studies suggest statin drugs are associated with a higher risk of diabetes, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Big Pharmacies are busy raking in over $31 billion annually by selling high-cholesterol drugs with terrible side effects to unknowing victims, their success is putting the American public’s health at risk. 

Plus, all of this erroneous focus on high cholesterol is diverting research dollars away from the real cause of heart disease—inflammation.  

Chronic Inflammation and Heart Disease

Chronic inflammation is a major predictor of coronary artery disease. Studies show elevated levels of CRP (inflammation) puts you at twice the risk of dying from cardiovascular-related problems as those with high cholesterol. Your doctor can order a CRP blood test, and while results may vary by lab you generally want a reading below one.

Just as important, a diet that is heavy on fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts is good for the body in ways beyond lowering cholesterol. It keeps blood pressure in check. It helps arteries stay flexible and responsive. It's good for bones and digestive health, for vision and mental health. 

Most anti-aging experts feel that INFLAMMATION is the main cause of heart disease, not cholesterol. And eating an anti-inflammatory diet (see above) is a good idea.

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