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Skincare Advice & Articles by Dr Bollmann

Beat Depression

Beat Depression

By Charles Bollmann December 01, 2015 | anti-aging tips benefits of antioxidants depression eliminate depression relieve depression skin care specialist vitamin supplements | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert The holidays are again upon us, and for many people they are a time of depression. I was fortunate to grow up in a loving family and always looked forward to the holidays. It wasn't until I became a doctor that I realized...

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Eat Spinach To Reduce Migraine

By Charles Bollmann March 26, 2015 | anti aging anti-aging tips benefits of vegetables migraine headaches prevent migraines skin care specialist vitamin supplements | 0 comments

 Dr Bolllmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert Migraine headaches can be a debilitating problem, especially in women, where they are more frequent. One severe migraine can put you down for days. Recent evidence is showing that a mineral, folate, which is abundant in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, may reduce...

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Are We Trending Healthier

By Charles Bollmann March 17, 2015 | anti aging anti-aging tips fish oil flaxseed benefits probiotics skin care specialist tai chi trends in health vitamin supplements yoga | 0 comments

 Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert It seems we are finally getting the message about health, at least in the US. Healthy habits prolong life and make living more enjoyable. The US National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued...

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Should I Take Vitamins

By Charles Bollmann February 26, 2015 | bare skin care benefits of vitamins best skin care heart disease reduce risks of disease should I take a vitamin supplement skin care specialist vitamin supplements | 0 comments

 Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert People have been arguing for years about the benefits (or lack thereof) of vitamins. The antagonists say they are expensive, don't do anything, and just make your urine more yellow. Do we need to take vitamins? Not really. Most are found in the...

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Vitamins - To Take Or Not To Take

By Charles Bollmann July 23, 2014 | anti aging skin care cream. benefits of vitamins best skin care line should I take vitamins skin care specialist vitamin benefits vitamin supplements | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert Recently some people have questioned the wisdom in taking vitamin supplements, saying they are useless, expensive, and just make your urine more colorful. Personally, I believe in vitamin/mineral supplements, and take them daily. There is scientific evidence that vitamin supplements are beneficial. They...

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Multivitamins - To Take Or Not To Take

By Charles Bollmann April 09, 2014 | anti aging tip benefits of vitaimins do vitamins prevent disease skin care specialist vitamin supplements | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Skin Care Specialist, Anti-Aging It would be an understatement to say that there is a lot of confusion out there about multivitamins. This is surprising given the high prevalence of use of multivitamins. In the United States among women overall, more than one third use multivitamins; and among...

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Should You Take A Multivitamin

By Charles Bollmann March 31, 2014 | anti-aging tip benefits of vitamins free radical damage vitamin supplements | 0 comments

Dr Bollmann, Anti-Aging and Skin Care Specialist Telomeres are the endcaps on chromosomes, and telomeric shortening is thought to govern the number of times a cell can divide.  Telomeres are also thought to be highly susceptible to damage by free radicals. Researchers from the US National Institute of Environmental Health...

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Vitamins Help You Live Longer

By Charles Bollmann March 10, 2014 | anti aging tips anti-aging expert anti-aging skin care cream benefits of vitamins telomere shortening vitamin supplements vitamins and health vitamins prevent aging | 0 comments

Telomeres are the endcaps on chromosomes, and telomeric shortening is thought to govern the number of times a cell can divide.  Telomere shortening is thought to be one of the main causes of aging and disease. Telomeres are also thought to be highly susceptible to damage by free radicals. Researchers...

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Vitamin C Prevents Strokes

By Charles Bollmann October 06, 2012 | anti aging skin care cream anti-aging tip anti-aging tips anti-oxidants in foods benefits of vitamin C fruits and vegetables prevent strokes vitamin supplements vitamins women's health and diet | 0 comments

Our Bare Skin Care line of organic skin care products will help you:     Look and feel healthy and young again     Bring out your true, natural beauty     Save money on expensive spa facial treatment     Get professional skin care treatment at a discount   Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images...

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